Harrison Lake, BC with ever changing weather. Converted to B&W after color adjustments.

Harrison Lake B&W


Harrison Lake B&W

Harrison Lake, BC with ominous clouds approaching.

Harrison Lake, Monochrome


Harrison Lake, Monochrome

Split Rock Lighthouse near Duluth, Minnesota, Bronica 100 ISO B&W film. A sentinel on the Great Lakes

Split Rock Lighthouse


Split Rock Lighthouse

Lighthouse keeper at the Split Rock lighthouse. Medium format Bronica ETR 645 film camera. B&W 100 ISO film.

Lighthouse Keeper, Split Rock


Lighthouse Keeper, Split Rock

Peggy's Cove unchanging times and seasons of fishing and lobster traps. Bronica ETR 645 with 80mm lens Kodak 100 ISO B&W film

Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia fishing village and lobster traps


Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia fishing village and lobster traps

Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove a sailor's beacon in stormy seas Bronica 100 Kodak B&W film. Medium format photography

Peggy's Cove Nova Scotia lighthouse


Peggy's Cove Nova Scotia lighthouse

Caravan of Camels walking through the Moreeb Desert in UAE

Caravan of Camels in the Moreeb Desert


Caravan of Camels in the Moreeb Desert

Amazing wind swept sand dunes in the empty quarter in southern United Arab Emirates in Black and white. A circular polarizer filter used to emphasize shadows in the sand.

Sand dunes in the Moreeb desert monochrome


Sand dunes in the Moreeb desert monochrome

Moreeb sand dunes in United Arab Emirates south of Abu Dhabi

Moreeb sand dunes in United Arab Emirates


Moreeb sand dunes in United Arab Emirates

A mountain peak at Sunshine Ski Resort in Banff National Park

A mountain peak at Sunshine Ski Resort in Banff National Park


A mountain peak at Sunshine Ski Resort in Banff National Park

Crescent Falls near Rocky Mountain House, standing in the mist of the falls. The images photographed were amazing.

Crescent Falls near Rocky Mountain House, standing in the mist of the falls.


Crescent Falls near Rocky Mountain House, standing in the mist of the falls.

Dual Poplar trees in the fall ablaze in their yellow glow converted to b&w at my brother's cabin.

Dual Poplar trees in the fall ablaze in their yellow glow converted to b&w at my brother's cabin.


Dual Poplar trees in the fall ablaze in their yellow glow converted to b&w at my brother's cabin.

Old Pinawa power dam built in January of 1906 retired in 1951. All concrete was moved by wheelbarrow in the bitter cold of winter. Manitoba Hydro's first electric generating dam.

Old Pinawa power dam built in January of 1906 retired in 1951. All concrete was moved by wheelbarrow.


Old Pinawa power dam built in January of 1906 retired in 1951. All concrete was moved by wheelbarrow.

Buffalo Point, Manitoba    N.W Angle Lake of the Woods. Dark clouds were just rolling in as we got there but no rain. Great area for all water sports.

Buffalo Point, Manitoba    N.W. Aug 2021 B&W


Buffalo Point, Manitoba    N.W. Aug 2021 B&W

Black and White image of Waterton Lakes National Park from color looking south to the US border in the distance. Long narrow deep lake abundant with fish.

Waterton Lakes National Park in Southern Alberta, where the prairies meet the mountains.  Numerous hiking trails with a very good bear population and vast wetlands.


Waterton Lakes National Park in Southern Alberta, where the prairies meet the mountains.  Numerous hiking trails with a very good bear population and vast wetlands.

​Esplanade Foot Bridge  250 meter foot bridge at the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red River

Esplanade Foot Bridge definition (a level open stretch of paved or grassy ground; especially : one designed for walking or driving along a shore.) Winnipeg Canada over the Assiniboine River.


Esplanade Foot Bridge definition (a level open stretch of paved or grassy ground; especially : one designed for walking or driving along a shore.) Winnipeg Canada over the Assiniboine River.

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